Jakub Deml
He was a complex personality in the Czech literary scene, a Catholic priest, the representative of Catholic modernism and the precursor of Surrealism. He was strongly persecuted by the Church as well as by the State, for his critique of the Church’s state of affairs as well as of President Masaryk. By the end of his life he was accused
of collaborating with the enemy, although it was never proved. Yet, because of his non-conformist style, he was prohibited from publishing in the 1950’s.
Cesno (Beehive Entrance), 1924
Mé svědectví o Otokaru Březinovi (My Testimony about Otokar Brezina), 1931
Zapomenuté světlo (Forgotten Light), 1934
Podzimní sen (Autumn Dream), 1951