Prague Minos Guide

Web encyclopedia of GPS Digital Guide available in mobile devices around Prague for hire or for download during your visit.

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Basic information
Info text

Making phone calls in the Czech Republic is easy. You can buy a phone card at the post office, or you can use a phone directly at the post office for a fee.
If you want to make a phone call to a number in the Czech Republic, first enter the country code 00420, and then enter the remaining numbers (city, phone number) without entering another 0 in between. Recently, phone numbers in the Czech Republic underwent a significant change, numbers in the format 00420 0312 55328 are no

longer valid. The best way of finding a new number is by calling the information line 1180 (004201180).
If you are calling abroad from the Czech Republic, first dial 00 and then the country code. In the Czech Republic there are three primary mobile phone operators: Vodafone - hotline:
+420 800 777 777, O2 Telefónica - hotline: +420 800 123 456, and T- mobile - hotline: +420 603 603 603. Offices of all three operators are dispersed all over Prague, especially in the centre.

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