Prague Minos Guide

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19. - 20. století

Vojtech Hynais

Outstanding Czech painter and author of the curtain in the National Theater
Significant photo
Info text

Vojtěch Hynais was born in 1854 in Vienna. He studied art in Venice, in Vienna and also in Paris, where he maintained a close contacts with V. Brozík and A. Chittuss. His greatest work is the curtain in the National Theater, for which he used the French painter Suzanne Valadon as a model. Apart from the curtain,

his creations for the National Theater include a set of paintings called Apotheosis of the Czech Crown Lands. Apart from his preeminent works, he created a set of portraits for the Daubek family during his stay at their palace in Liten. Hynais is considered as part of the Czech National Theater generation.


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