Prague Minos Guide

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19. - 20. století

Remodeling of the Jewish Quarter

Redevelopment of the center of Prague
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The remodeling of the Jewish Quarter in Prague was one of the biggest redevelopment initiatives of a historic neighborhood in Europe. The primary reason for the remodeling was the poor state of the Jewish ghetto, which according to the city councilors didn’t display a sufficiently respectable image of the city as a whole, while also causing numerous hygienic problems. The first stage of writing of the remodeling Act took quite a long time. Following some wrangles, the final version of the redevelopment plan was eventually approved in 1893. According to the

plan, the remodeling would cover 380 000 square meters, which represented about 600 houses.
Massive demolition works were launched in 1896 and were planned to end by 1903. The following months were however marked by the insensitive destruction of historic buildings due to strong private lobbies and the remodeling initiative became a tool for the enforcement of personal interests. This is why after 1903, the Act for the remodeling of the district was renewed every 10 years for another 10 year period. It was valid until 1943, after which it wasn’t renewed.


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